Donyaye Behdasht company attendance in international conference on Food, Dietary, Pharmaceutical Supplements

The Third conference on food and dietary supplementary focus on the health of sports supplements was held at Olympic Hotel in Tehran, Iran, August19-21 2015 with presence of 1000 enrolled audiences out of two groups of physicians and pharmacologists in the course of some objective including providing and improvement of healthcare and immunity of nutritional, dietary, and sporting supplements, interpretation of logical methods of prescription and dosage of sporting supplements, and expressing the methods to guarantee quality and health of sporting supplements. Some of the main pivotal subjects of this conference included the analysis of some topics such as techniques of evaluation of health, efficiency, and toxicity of sporting supplements, requisite for interpretation and formulation of national integrated policy to provide healthy supplements, and review on strategies to supply sporting supplements in consuming market. Donyaye Behdasht pharmaceutical company participated in the given conference as one of the most diversified pharmaceutical manufacturing complexes in the course of introducing its products and in order to enhance level of public knowledge about proper dosage of the manufactured supplements in this group. Similarly, this company introduced its products within the framework of promotional brochures and medical samples. In addition to respective society of physicians and pharmacologists, the experts in the fields of nutrition, physical education, and athletes also visited the promotional booth of DONYAYEBEHDASHT Pharmaceutical Company in the exhibition and they were familiarized with new products of this group more than ever.Enter your text here.
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